Adopted 4/01/06
Article I
Name & Location
The name of this Association is the Messalonskee Area Youth Softball Association (also herein referred to as MAYSA or the Association). Its location being in the Town of Sidney, County of Kennebec, State of Maine with a mailing address of: 287 Goodhue Road, Sidney, ME 04330.
Article II
The purpose of this association shall be to promote and operate softball programs for the youth of the Messalonskee School District and nearby towns. Said programs shall promote the health, recreation and general well being of all participants, as well as to forward the principles of good will and sportsmanship.
Article III
Eligibility: Membership is open to any resident (18 years or older) of the Messalonskee School District and nearby towns who is of good character and standing in their community, and in sympathy with the purposes of the Association, upon registration with the Secretary and payment of the annual dues, if any.
Voting Privileges: Each member shall be entitled to one vote at any regular or special meeting of the general membership for the purpose of elections and on issues requiring the consent of the general membership. However, only members of the Board of Directors shall vote at any board meeting.
Effective Date of Membership: Membership, with all associated rights and responsibilities, shall become effective upon recommendation of the Secretary, ten (10) days following registration, and must be renewed annually.
Termination of Membership: If a member violates any rule, regulation or policy prescribed herein, or commits an act, which could adversely reflect on the Association; the membership may be temporarily terminated by a majority vote of the Board. Said termination shall remain in effect until it is either ratified or overturned by a majority vote of the general membership.
Article IV
Meetings of the Membership
Annual Meeting: The Association shall hold an annual meeting of the membership for the purpose of holding elections, to receive the general report of the President and the financial report of the Treasurer, and to vote on any issues requiring the consent of the general membership. The Annual Meeting shall be held during the month of March.
Special Meetings: Special meetings of the membership, may be called by the President, or Vice President in his/her absence, at any time, and may also be called by them at the request of five (5) members stating the object thereof and shall be held not later than ten (10) days following receipt of the request. Only business related to the object stated in the request shall be transacted at each meeting.
Notifications: All meetings will be held at a time and place to be determined not later than 10 days prior to the meeting. Notification of all meetings, and the object thereof, shall generally be conveyed to members by the Secretary. When necessary, and at the request of the President, the Secretary may notify members by mailing notice to their most current address on file with the Association.
Quorum & Proxies: For voting purposes, a quorum shall mean 20% of the membership at the time of the call of any meeting of the general membership; however, a less interest may adjourn a meeting. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted at any meeting of the Association.
Article V
Board of Directors
Duties & Responsibilities: The Board of Directors shall manage the activities and affairs of the Association and all powers of the Association shall be vested in them. The Directors shall be responsible for the approval, planning, maintenance, and evaluation of the organization's finances and activities. The Directors shall be authorized to appoint or employ agents to carry out and conduct activities, which it deems necessary, appropriate, and compatible with the purpose and mission of the Association, including the appointment of all managers, coaches, and/or instructors.
Membership & Election: The Board of Directors shall consist of nine (9) members, elected from the general membership at the Annual Meeting. All positions on the Board of the Association, including the officers, are voluntary, unpaid positions. The President shall call for nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting. Nominations and elections shall continue until all expiring terms have been filled.
Board Meetings: Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held monthly, and generally on the second Wednesday of every month. The Secretary shall notify all members of the Board of the date, time, and location of each meeting. Association members may attend Board Meetings and may place items on the agenda by notifying, in writing, any member of the Board at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. All notifications shall be forwarded to the Secretary upon receipt. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President, or Vice President in his/her absence, at any time.
Term & Vacancies: The term of office of a Director shall be three (3) years. In order to provide continuity in leadership, the terms of all directors will be staggered so that not more than three (3) terms will expire in any single year. Upon expiration of the initial term, as described below, the successor to each position shall be elected for a term of three (3) years.
Name |
Initial Term Length
Melissa Leighton |
1 Year
Kelly Pease |
1 Year
Lauralei Collier |
1 Year
Scott Sucy |
2 Years
Toby Leighton |
2 Years
Colleen Eugley |
2 Years
Jason Warren |
3 Years
Douglas Eugley |
3 Years
Randy Grover |
3 Years
Whenever the office of Director becomes vacant by reason of death, illness, resignation, disqualification, or otherwise, the Board shall, by simple majority vote, elect a successor from the general membership to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.
Special Committees: The Board of Directors may establish committees, as needed, to accomplish tasks, to perform reviews and/or to make recommendations on matters of interest to the Association. Actions of a committee must be approved and authorized by the Board. Each committee will have a minimum of three (3) members with a Chairperson elected from one of their number. The Chairperson shall report to the Board of Directors at regular intervals for the duration of the committee's appointment.
Quorum & Proxies: For voting purposes, a quorum shall mean 2/3 of the directors of the Board at any meeting of the Board of Directors; however, a less interest may adjourn the meeting. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted at any meeting of the Association.
Conflict of Interest: No member of the Board may receive or accept, either directly or indirectly, any compensation for goods or services provided to the Association by such member or any member of his/her immediate family. A Director must abstain from voting on any matter that would create, or appear to create, a conflict of interest. The Board, by majority vote, may require the abstention of any member from voting on any matter that the Board has identified as one that would create a conflict of interest, either for the member or the Association.
Removal of a Board Member: A member of the Board may be removed for failing to carry out the duties associated with the position, for violating any rule, regulation or policy of the Association, or for committing any act that would be detrimental to the Association. Complaints against any Director must be presented to the Board, in writing, and investigated by a committee of not less than three (3) directors. If the committee finds sufficient justification for the complaint, a review by the full Board will be held and the removal from the Board will be determined by a majority vote of the Directors. Three consecutive unexcused absences may result in a request for resignation of a director.
Article VI
Officers of the Association
The management and administration shall be entrusted to four (4) Officers of the Association: a President. Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, all of whom will be elected by the Board of Directors and from their number.
Term of Office: All officers shall serve for a term of one (1) year unless they have been elected to fill a vacancy for which they will serve the unexpired term, and until the election of their respective successors. Officers of record shall hold office until the first meeting of the Board of Directors following the general election of directors conducted at the Annual Meeting of the membership, and until the election of their respective successors.
The President shall be the chief executive and administrative officer of the Association and shall preside at all meetings.
Vice President:
The Vice President shall, in the absence or disability of the President, have all of the powers and responsibilities assigned to the President and shall be the second administrative officer.
The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the meetings of the Association; conduct the formal correspondence of the Association, including the notification of meetings and other announcements; and protect and maintain custody of the official minutes and records of the Association. The Secretary shall maintain the membership rolls of the Association and make recommendations to the Board for membership on behalf of applicants.
The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the Association and shall be authorized to sign all checks, drafts and other payments to and from all accounts. The Treasurer shall provide financial reports and accountings to the Board, as requested, and shall provide the Association's statement of financial condition at each Annual Meeting.
Article VII
Financial Policy
Financial Accounts & Transactions: The Treasurer shall open and maintain the financial accounts of the Association, including a savings and/or a checking account at a reputable financial institution under the name, address and tax ID number ( 20-4621158 ) of the Association. In addition to the Treasurer, all officers shall be listed as Authorized signers on all accounts. In the absence or disability of the Treasurer, the President followed by the Vice President, and then the Secretary, shall assume those duties and responsibilities. All financial transactions and associated records, including receipts and statements of account, shall be included in the Treasurer's report and recorded with the minutes of the monthly meeting of the Board of Directors.
Expenditure of Funds: The Board of Directors shall authorize the expenditure of Association funds and will review all financial transactions performed by any member of the Association on its behalf. Association funds will not be disbursed to any party without itemized bill, proper receipt or other proof of obligation.
Fees & Dues: The Board of Directors shall annually review and set all fees and Association dues including, but not limited to, annual registration fees for players and Association membership dues.
Fundraisers & Donations: Fundraising for, and donations to, any sport, team or facility managed or administered by the Association, must be approved by the Board of Directors prior to commencement or acceptance. Generally, all funds raised by, for and through the Association or its members shall be distributed as deemed equitable by the Board of Directors between the groups, teams and/or facilities under the operation and management of the Association.
Article VIII
Ethics, Disciplinary Action & Conflict Resolution
Code of Ethics and Conduct
The Board of Directors shall establish and maintain a Code of Ethics and Conduct (the Code) applicable to all players, managers, coaches, members of the Association and other agents participating in any Association business or activity. Said Code shall be made a part of this document as Addendum A.
Disciplinary Action:
The Board of Directors shall be responsible for enforcing the Code and for taking disciplinary action, when necessary. Any player, manager, coach, member of the Association or other agent who breaches the Code or commits an act deemed to be detrimental to the Association is subject to disciplinary action including the temporary suspension or permanent revocation of membership, a termination of contract or assignment, or the removal from the Board.
Specific disciplinary action, including the duration and terms of any suspension, shall be determined by a majority vote of the Board. The person(s) affected by the Board's decision shall be given notice seven (7) days prior to the effective date of the action. Reinstatement of membership, assignment and/or position will occur automatically at the conclusion of the period of suspension, as described in the notice.
Conflict Resolution Process:
- Any complaint, grievance or report of misconduct shall be submitted, in writing, to the Board of Directors and shall include all facts pertinent to the matter.
- The President shall assign a committee to investigate the complaint and, if possible, to attempt to resolve the issue to the satisfaction of everyone involved.
- If the issue cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties, the committee shall submit a report for consideration at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board. Any party to the complaint may state their position, either in person or in writing at that meeting or at any time prior to the final decision of the Board.
- The Board shall render a final decision and resolution no later than the following regularly scheduled meeting of the Board.
Article IX
Changes to the bylaws may be made upon recommendation of the Board of Directors and the approval of a majority of members assembled at a general meeting of the membership, provided, however, that any change does not adversely impact the non-profit status of the Association.
Addendum A
Code of Ethics and Conduct
Administrators' Code of Ethics:
I hereby pledge to provide positive support to all youth sports programs in my community, to administer youth sports programs with professionalism and in the best interests of the children involved by following the Youth Sports Administrators' Code of Ethics:
I will run youth sports programs for the children involved, not the adults.
I will ensure that I am knowledgeable in the area of youth sports administration.
I will do my best to provide a safe playing situation for all participants.
I will provide support for coaches, officials and parents to provide a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
I will require all coaches and officials to be trained in the responsibilities of being a volunteer within the organization and that they uphold the NYSCA/NYSOA Codes of Ethics.
I will implement and enforce the National Standards For Youth Sports.
I promise to keep informed about current issues involving youth sports programs.
Coaches' Code of Ethics:
I hereby pledge to follow the NYSCA Coaches' Code of Ethics:
I will place the emotional and physical well being of my players ahead of a personal desire to win.
I will treat each player as an individual, remembering the large range of emotional and physical development for the same age group.
I will do my best to provide a safe playing situation for my players.
I will promise to review and practice basic first aid principles needed to treat injuries of my players.
I will do my best to organize practices that are fun and challenging for all my players.
I will lead by example in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship to all my players.
I will provide a sports environment for my team that is free of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol, and I
will refrain from their use at all youth sports events.
I will be knowledgeable in the rules of each sport that I coach, and I will teach these rules to my players.
I will use those coaching techniques appropriate for all of the skills that I teach.
I will remember that I am a youth sports coach, and that the game is for children and not adults.
Parents’ Code of Ethics:
I hereby pledge to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for my child participating
in youth sports by following this Parents' Code of Ethics:
I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every game, practice or other youth sports event.
I will place the emotional and physical well being of my child ahead of my personal desire to win.
I will insist that my child play in a safe and healthy environment.
I will require that my child's coach be trained in the responsibilities of being a youth sports coach and that the coach upholds the Coaches' Code of Ethics.
I will support coaches and officials working with my child, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free from drugs, tobacco and alcohol and will refrain from their use at all youth sports events.
I will remember that the game is for youth - not adults.
I will do my very best to make youth sports fun for my child.
I will ask my child to treat other players, coaches, fans and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed or ability.
I will help my child enjoy the youth sports experience by doing whatever I can, such as being a respectful fan, assisting with coaching, or providing transportation.
I will read the National Standards For Youth Sports and do what I can to help all youth sports organizations implement and enforce them.
Officials' Code of Ethics
I hereby pledge to live up to my certification as a NYSOA Official by following the NYSOA Officials' Code of Ethics.
I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support of all players, coaches, fellow officials and league administrators at all times.
I will ensure that I am knowledgeable of the rules of each sport I officiate, and apply those rules fairly to all participants, teams and coaches.
I will not allow personal friendships and associations to influence my decisions during a contest.
I will refrain from the use of tobacco and alcohol products when in the youth sports environment.
I will remember that youth sports provide an opportunity for children to learn and have fun and I will place their safety above all else.
Seven essential components of a successful youth sports program
- A player philosophy that promotes and protects the interests and welfare of children and youth. The philosophy must promote enjoyable, fair and safe participation for youth of all levels of ability.
- Clearly stated goals. The goals must be realistic and reflect the values held by the community.
- A well-defined organizational structure. The organization must be guided by written by¬laws and clearly defined lines of responsibility for all professional staff and volunteers.
- A clearly defined program. The program must be directly linked to the philosophy and program goals so that proper growth and development of the participants is ensured.
- Effective procedures for implementing the program. Written procedures include policies, expected outcomes, responding to emergencies, recruitment of volunteers and implementation of all programs.
- Evaluation of all phases of the program. An annual review of the goals, procedures of implementation, outcomes, expenditure of funds and program responsibilities are essential if the program is to improve from year to year.
- Well-defined expectations of success. Indicators of success include participant
satisfaction, mastery of program content, involvement by the community and financial security.
© National Alliance For Youth Sports